Imminent Dystopia

In this short film based on the short story Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut, equality becomes absolute. Kurt Vonnegut who is famous for his American satire and criticism, warned us of the loss of individuality and the total acceptance of conformity.  Although artistic, this film is expressing the worries that Kurt made vividly clear. Will society become one brain? Will people soon not be able to think for themselves? In the film everyone is equal, if they are not, for example if someone is beautiful then they wear a mask, if some one is intelligent they wear a headpeace that interrupts their brain waves, and if they are strong they are dragged down by weights. This is a warning as stated below, to accept individuality and not conform completely to be able to have part of the American Dream. Although the  dream does provide individuality,  to live the dream that our generation believes in one must conform to social rules and norms of success.

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